Identifying an Australian snake !

by Ching Ho Hung
(Thornlands Q4164)

Who knows this Australian snake?

Who knows this Australian snake?

Can you identify this snake for me please?

I live in Thornlands Q4164, I found it few days ago in garage with size under 2 foot, assume a baby of some kind snake.

Ching Ho Hung

Comments for Identifying an Australian snake !

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Aug 04, 2020
Coastal carpet python (Morelia spilota) NEW
by: Anonymous

harmless coastal carpet python,
fun fact, 1 in 3 houses has one of these guys living in it within austalia!

more info on this species below

Sep 02, 2014
its a python
by: some cunt

it is justa harmless python it wont hurt you unless youpiss it of

Dec 14, 2013
by: Anonymous

Pranced Children's python certainly not a baby

Dec 11, 2011
type of snake
by: Anonymous

now it definayely is a python,looks a bit like a childrens python,but all in all just so you know always regardless or not whether a snake is venimous or not always treat them with the highest content of respect as they are wild an they do instinctively what they know to survive ,never approech a snake always let it go its own way 99% of the time all they want is rest,feed,sleep in the sun,they will only attack if you approach them and try to handle and if a person follows these simple steps they have really nothing to fear,always contact a registered snake handle that knows snakes,NEVER NEVER TRY TO PICK A SNAKE UP ,ESPECIALLY IF YOU DONT KNOW WHAT IT IS

Dec 07, 2011
What snake is this ?
by: Calvin

Found this snake lying on the swimming pool step half in half out of the water. It had white bands along its entire body,with dark blacky / redish brown color inbetween the white bands ,a small snake almost 500mm (20 inches ) long and skinny. When I lifted it out and put in the bush it did not slid away like I would have imagined but sort of flicked in the body as if it was a rubber band. The area was North east Blue Mountains near North Richmond NSW. Any help would be great.

Mar 25, 2011
by: Caitlin

Guys,stop naming things that you have no idea about. This snake is a harmless Stimpsons python and are fantastic pets. I am a herpetologist, snake scientist, and I have a pet Stimpsons. Completely harmless, won't bite unless you startle them really bad.

Oct 27, 2010
by: Anonymous

death adders are around 20cm long and really thick it looks nothing like one i breed centralians and thats what it is so dont harm it let it go on its way it may pack a nasty bite but it dosnt have any venom.

Oct 27, 2010
by: Anonymous

its harmles its a bredly python other wise known as a centralian

Jul 24, 2010
Rest assured
by: Anonymous


It most certainly is NOT a Death Adder, so don't panic. While yes, a Death Adder is short and tanned in colour, the snake pictured does not possess the shorter, rounder head that is characteristic of the species. The snake shown in the picture is definitely a type of Python, and appears to be most likely a young Banded Python. Non-venomous, but can still deliver a painful and nasty bite if keep your hands away unless you know what you're doing.

Have a nice day

Apr 28, 2010
your snake
by: Anonymous

Its a death adder.....stop playing with it....

Mar 11, 2010
we found 2 snakes in our pool
by: milan bennato

we have found 2 snakes in our pool at home. they are golden in colour and hav a black stripe on the back of their head and they are about 12 inches long. we were wondering if you could help us identify the species of these snakes

Nov 04, 2009
sorry, that's 'ed, not 'id
by: Leah

Me again, just correcting my careless spelling.
That was 'BANDED' Python.
See Ya :)

Nov 04, 2009
by: Leah-Simone

Hello Ching Ho,
I would have to agree with our anonymus friend. The Diamond shaped head is characteristic of out Pythons; and by the looks of it I would say that Rita's friend Rod was right, by all appearances that is infact the Bandid. So I wouldn't worry about him, he's species wont strike unless you scare the living daylight's out of them; and although their bite does hurt, they're not poisonous, and generally they will simply flee.
Have a good one :)

Sep 20, 2009
by: Anonymous

Look at the diamond shaped head, moneys on the python

Sep 06, 2009
death adder
by: Rita

Now it is getting complicated.

I got another tip, and this time it is believed the pictured snake is a death adder, one of the poisonous snakes in Australia.

This proves, that even if you think you know Australian snakes, they obviously can be quite different in their appearance.
Always be careful when a snake crosses your path, but don't panic.


Aug 30, 2009
banded python
by: Rita

Hi again,

I got a tip from a friend on facebook (thanks Rod), it could be a banded python which is harmless and catches mice.


Aug 30, 2009
That's a challenge!
by: Rita

Hi Ching Ho Hung,

That's a great photo! I am afraid, I don't have an answer yet, but I take the challenge. :)
This could be a species of a banded snake, but I really don't know. You're right, if it is a baby snake, it might look different, and harder to identify.

Just being curious... What happened to the snake? Did it go away after a while?

You could contact the Brisbane snake catchers, perhaps they can help you to identify the snake.

Please let me know when you know what kind of snake it is.

Check out my Australian snakes page for general info about snakes in Australia, and how to avoid to get in trouble with them.


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Trying to identify a snake

by Justine
(Airlie Beach)

Hi. Yesterday I was running through a hilly track and saw two snakes. It was the same type each time but was nothing I have seen before. The underbelly was light and the top very dark, almost black and it had blue spots half way down its body. It was about 1m long and had a small head. The terrain is dry, rocky and sandy. I was very close to one but it didn't seem aggressive. Scared the crap out of me though. Very curious to know what they might have been. Thanks

Comments for Trying to identify a snake

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Aug 25, 2010
No idea
by: Rita

Hi Justine,

I am afraid, I am not a snake expert. If any other reader has a tip for Justine, just comment here, thanks.


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Snake in NSW

by kerry

On a mates farm about last Friday,I came across a snake I could not identify.
It was about 30cms long, black head, body was the colour of a king brown.
The location it was found is Bigga NSW.

Response to Snake in NSW

by: Rita

Hi Kerry,

A photo of the snake would help enormously to identify the snake.
If you happen to have a photo, please send it to me by email, and I am going to add it to your submission.
Hopefully, other readers can help you with the question.


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Apr 05, 2010
by: Anonymous

Sounds like a baby brown to me. They start off with a dark head.

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by dean

Red bellied black snake

Red bellied black snake

Have found 2 snakes in back yard in last month. Dog has killed both. I live on the escarpment in Wollongong NSW. They are black on top and gray on bellie about 500 - 700mm long.
Look light babies, are they baby red bellie black snakes? My kids will not go in back yard.

(photo from Wikipedia in public domain)

Comments for Snake

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Feb 23, 2011
Hard to say
by: Rita

Hi Dean,

I am definitely not a snake expert. Did they look like the one in the photo?


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baby snake

by roshelle
(vic )

we live in vic and my brother found a baby snake it had a black head and then had a golden brown body we have never seen any thing like it just didn't no what sort it was it was only about 30cm long can you help me thanks roshelle

Comments for baby snake

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Oct 31, 2012
Baby snake
by: John

Have also found a snake that sounds the same! It has two black bands around the top of the head and a golden body.. also about 30cm long.????

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